
Leads to keep your conveyancing pipeline full.

We’ll connect you with our web visitors that are actively looking to buy a car. All you have to do is pickup the phone and close the sale.

Conveyance Pro in a nutshell…

We have a very well established online presence. Chances are, that whenever someone is searching online for a conveyancer, they will come across our website. It happens thousands of times each month.

And as soon as a web visitor submit an inquiry, we will connect them with ONE (and only one!) great conveyancer.

As a conveyancer, all you have to do is call them as soon as you receive the lead and close the deal.

We think it’s safe to say that no other marketing medium comes close to our ROI

As told by our conveyancing clients:

Smart Coast Conveyancing has been working with Conveyance Pro since March 2019.  Whilst I was cautious at first and started with a small number of leads to test the waters, it took me no time at all to realise this was an excellent marketing strategy.  The combination of reliable leads combined with our diligent follow up tactics has resulted in a 25-30% growth in our company within the first 6 months.

We see excellent returns each month on our investment and the ongoing communication and support by Conveyance Pro has been outstanding.  As a business owner, I utilise many marketing tools, but Conveyance Pro to date has been my most profitable investment and I feel the sky is the limit for the future.

Smart Coast Conveyancing

How it works, step by step…


Meet Jenny. She needs a conveyancer.

She starts her online search and finds Conveyance Pro.

She is one of the thousands of visitors that come to our website every month looking for conveyancing services


She submits an inquiry

Jenny submits an inquiry with very useful details such as her type of property and transaction.

We learn she wants to purchase a townhouse in QLD.


We match her with ONE conveyancer, you!

Within fractions of a second, we allocate Jenny to you, and only you. We allocate each lead to only one conveyancer.

Our system can deliver leads either by email, push them into your existing CRM or into our proprietary CRM, to which you will have unlimited access free of charge!


Jenny receives a personal email.

Just a moment later, our system sends Jenny a personalised email.

In this email we introduce her to you and briefly explain why you are such a great choice.

She’s now really keen to hear from you!


Jenny hires you!

Upon receiving her details, you call Jenny. She is surprised by the service, she just submitted her inquiry a minute ago and is already speaking with you!

Jenny is in love with your conveyancing services and the deal is done